Thinaer Revolutionizes
IIoT Asset Management
Get real-time data analytics and visibility into your assets and production tools with IIoT asset tracking and digital twins, enabling smarter decisions.
Transform results with asset tracking with environmental monitoring, machine utilization, and digital twin technology.
Paired with AI analytics, you can boost productivity, profitability, and compliance in manufacturing, aerospace, defense, aviation, and consumer goods—even in air-gapped and classified environments.
See How Thinaer Optimizes Your Operations
With end-to-end IoT integration and digital twin for any industry
Complete Data Picture
Real-time visibility into unconnected processes, assets, and equipment.
Better Strategies
Classified Management
Eliminate Blind Spots
Fast Implementation
Let’s Find Your Data Blind Spots
Claim Your Free 15-Minute Session
Thinaer gives you a roadmap to connectivity and helps you identify your blind spots, walk you through how to look over your factory floor, identify what areas and equipment are collecting data manually, what’s still analog, and what is connected.
Thinaer Partners
Developing an ecosystem to fill manufacturing blind spots, maximize AI initiatives and improve process health and machine health across commercial and classified areas
- Technology Partner
- GovCloud capabilities
- AI and predictive analysis
- Technology Partner
- VAR Partner
- Technology Partner
- Commercial and classified
area cloud
- Integration Partner
- Technology Partner
- IIoT sensors and
access points
- Technology Partner
- AI and predictive analysis
- Integration Partner
- airline industry vertical
Begin in Just Days.
Deploy Our IoT Devices
Thinaer’s implementation process is streamlined for speed and simplicity, delivering results within days.
Benefit from our expert guidance, comprehensive knowledge base, and responsive support for a seamless transition.
With out-of-the-box solutions and step-by-step tutorials, setup is straightforward and efficient.
Our dedicated project management ensures smooth deployment, empowering you to optimize operations quickly and effectively. Experience the ease of Thinaer’s implementation process and unlock immediate value for your organization.
Thinaer Transforms Manufacturing
Our innovative, secure, and flexible IIoT platform gives manufacturers the ability to properly manage the digital blind spots that make up 75% or more of your operations.
Get real-time visibility into even the most unconnected processes, assets, and equipment with
• Proven asset tracking
• Environmental monitoring
• Machine utilization
• Digital twin technology
How the Thinaer Sonar Platform Works
Thinaer bridges the gap between IT and Operations. Thinaer collects millions of data points from the broadest range of sensors — yours and ours. IIoT beacons and sensors are attached to physical assets and equipment then send data to gateways.
That data is sent to the Thinaer platform, which ingests and standardizes the data, supplying it for APIs, notifications, triggers and alerts.
A digital twin is enabled for deeper analysis and predictions. You can dig deep in the data, with visualizations, a location map, smart alerts, equipment comparisons, and more with the Thinaer Sonar™ application or your own analytical tools.
Thinaer Updates
The latest in IoT & Connected Operations Visibility
5 IoT Integration Don’ts for a Better-Connected Manufacturing Floor
Maximize IoT success by avoiding these five common mistakes. Connecting your manufacturing floor with IoT isn’t just another tech upgrade—it’s a fundamental shift in how your operation functions....
Thinaer Now Available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Richardson, Texas, United States — September 12, 2024 — Thinaer, a manufacturing digital transformation pioneer, today announced the availability of Sonar in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an...