There are over 5,000 public airports just in the United States, and each airport has its own set of issues, requirements, and vendor availability. While an individual aviation company can control everything inside their aircraft, they will have to have a different level of conversation to capture data across the airport as multiple vendors are usually required. The good news is that there are still areas that can have a dramatic impact of data availability that are still in your control.

Understanding Aviation Data Blind Spots Across the Airport

Aviation companies are making decisions without a complete data picture. Unfortunately, real-time data from the aircraft while on the ground and moving across the airport and interacting with the myriad of vendor-supplied assets and services, is grossly unavailable. Can you imagine making effective decisions with only 20-25% of the available data at hand?

Because of this, airlines are making strategic decisions that impact everything from operations and aircraft efficiency, safety, and passenger satisfaction, to waste, fuel consumption and regulatory compliance with only about one third of the data they should be evaluating. This challenge is further magnified by a dependence on extending legacy equipment investments and manual processes that hinder accuracy and efficiency ultimately even leading to regulatory breaches and fines.

The primary data collection and analysis challenges across the airport include:

  • Track MRA Equipment: By facilitating precise monitoring of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) equipment locations and maintenance schedules, you will improve aircraft availability and compliance with safety standards.
  • Track Tech Op Assets: By enabling real-time tracking of technical operations assets, you will optimize tool and equipment availability, reduce misplacement, and enhance operational efficiency.
  • Monitor Vendor Assets: By offering visibility into vendor-supplied assets and services, including flight caterers, luggage, cargo, and fuel trucks, you will aid in pinpointing responsibility for operational delays and improving vendor management.
  • Monitor Environmental Conditions: Provides insights into environmental conditions affecting defense and DoD manufacturing and storage facilities, helping maintain the integrity of sensitive materials and components.

IIoT Asset Tracking and Digital Twins Fill Aviation Data Blind Spots

Thinaer has developed an innovative solution for asset location tracking and digital twinning for a broad range of aviation and operation processes enabled on your cloud vendor of choice. There are multiple architectures available to accommodate the nuances of each end customer requirement and can even accommodate classified area processes if required. We understand that the more comprehensive your data set, the better your AI initiatives will deliver on their promise as well as allowing operations executives to spot prevention opportunities before they become problematic.

Let’s discuss your digital transformation data issues and understand where your aviation blind spots across the airport put your operations at most risk. Our experts are ready to answer all your questions and help you get a handle on your digital transformation processes and AI initiatives. If you prefer to research more on this topic then download our latest eBook titled “Track The Untrackable: How to fill manufacturing blind spots for better production decisions and the most complete data set for AI initiatives.”


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