Thinaer Blog
Smarter production decisions and AI initiatives
Why do so many digital transformation initiatives fail?
By Michael Rivera, PhD As manufacturing firms, we have approached digital transformation initiatives with more tools, technology, and know-how than ever before. Innovations in technology and processes range from industrial IoT (IIoT) location tracking to AI-powered...
Innovation Research Interchange (IRI) Announces Thinaer as Research Grant Recipient
Thinaer receives grant to research cultural changes needed for digital transformation and will collaborate with and present to the IRI membership of the world’s leading manufacturing companies. Richardson, TX – March 31, 2022: Thinaer announced today the receipt...
Real-time Feedback Supports Medical Education at #1-Rated Teaching Hospital
St. Luke's University Health Network uses Thinaer's platform to enhance real-time feedback in the hospital's medical education. Recently named the nation's #1 teaching hospital in Fortune / IBM Watson Health 100 Top Hospitals 2021: Teaching Hospitals, St. Luke's...
IoT for Social Impact: Optimizing Medical Oxygen To Improve Patient Outcomes Around The World
Medical oxygen scarcity is a global challenge. Thinaer, in partnership with a healthcare-focused nonprofit, piloted an IoT solution to help improve the availability of medical oxygen for patients when they need it.
Thinaer’s Client Experience Platform Captures Real-Time Input
Thinaer’s client experience platform helps companies gather real-time input from clients. This leads to happier clients and a healthier business.
Overcome Inventory Management Challenges with IoT and Analytics
Inventory management challenges create friction in the supply chain, leading to unnecessary costs and wasted resources. A well-implemented IoT solution with AI-powered analytics can address many of those challenges, leading to improved efficiency and better...
Workplace Feedback: More Is Not Always Better
When used correctly, workplace feedback is an effective driver of employee engagement, motivation, and development. The structure, content, and timing of feedback all play a role in how useful it is to an employee and to the organization. In an award-winning paper Is...
What’s New? Thinaer Among the First IoT Companies to Pilot Battery-Less Beacons
Our product development team gathers and integrates client feedback to improve hardware capabilities, introduce new platform features, and enhance the overall user experience. We launch new capabilities monthly. This month, we're excited to share more about our...
Using IoT & Feedback Technology to Support Sustainability Innovation
Across the globe, organizations endeavor to reduce the use of environmental pollutants through sustainability innovation. They face the complex task of reworking business models, re-training employees, renovating culture, maintaining productivity, and supporting...
Women in Technology
Women comprise about half of the US workforce, but only 27-percent of workers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Research cites a number of factors contributing to this. To start, young women often have fewer female role models in STEM....
What is Cellular IoT: Applications in Supply Chain Management
Cellular IoT technology introduces new opportunities for asset tracking and data collection. The technology connects "things" to the internet using the same networks that mobile phones use. As these networks improve and expand across the globe, more and more...
3 Keys to Leading Successful Digital Transformation
For many organizations, digital transformation is top priority because it promises profound benefits. However, while hard to believe, 70% of these initiatives fail to reach their goals. Harvard Business Review reports that, of the $1.3 trillion that companies invested...
IoT For Social Impact: Helping Cities Improve Air Quality
IoT-enabled smart cities provide opportunities to enhance the quality of life for a city’s residents. From air quality to energy use to traffic monitoring, municipalities use connected devices to gather and analyze data on the city. City leaders use analytics and...
Our SaaS Feedback Technology has a new, streamlined look!
We have some great news! We released a new, improved version of DevelapMe, Thinaer's SaaS Feedback technology. This release improves visibility of your real-time feedback, offers expanded functionality, and provides a sleeker experience. To learn more, watch our short...
Real Time Asset Tracking: 6 Ways BLE Beats RFID
Many organizations use IoT real time asset tracking platforms to pinpoint asset location within an indoor space. There's a distinct advantage to using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices over RFID devices. In this post, we highlight 6 advantages that BLE holds over...
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